Haihaisoft Media-DRM (digital rights management) is a powerful service platform based-on Windows Media Technology and web. You can download Media-DRM packager to encrypt content, and manage rights and profiles on Media-DRM.com. Media-DRM makes it easy to protect and securely deliver content by subscription or individual request for playback on a computer, or portable device, such as mobile, PDA, and mp3 player.
From March 2004, Haihaisoft provide Media DRM service, and became Microsoft Windows Media Service Provider. Now Haihaisoft Media-DRM service is widely used by content providers and is already delivered over 55 million licenses.
To get started with Media-DRM, simply visit www.media-drm.com. You'll be guided through a simple sign-up process, and install Media-DRM packager to encrypt your content. With simple configuration in your Media-DRM Account, you can securely deliver your content by anyway, starting maximize the value of your content!
Media-DRM Packager is a windows application that encrypts media files. Media-DRM needs internet connection, and for security reasons that you need to login Media-DRM packager to encrypt media files. Media-DRM packager reads all the DRM license profiles and rights settings you defined in Media-DRM account. You can batch create new license profiles and encrypt media files with Media-DRM packager.